Svalbard circumnavigation departure

The Barba team has departed Longyearbyen for their circumnavigation around Svalbard. 

This is the most exciting and challenging leg of the expedition thus far. The team will venture to the pack ice north of the archipelago, search for rare species and continue to collect scientific data. In this fragile corner of the high Arctic, we will explore the occurrence, distribution and health of great whales – sentinels for our oceans.

Nature is always unpredictable, which can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, with a determined team and a suite of scientific equipment – from drones to hydrophones – we are ready to embark on this leg and provide an Arctic Sense.


Read more about the past weeks and preparations for the circumnavigation in the latest blog: ‘The King of the North and preparing to circumnavigate’.

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