Podcast with the University of Stavanger

Sailing Svalbard

The podcast is in Norwegian, and was brought to life by our good friends at the University, Mari Mæland Nilsen and Inge Christ.

Dykke med hvaler

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Impact Report for the 2023 Season: Showcasing Our Achievements Both At Sea and Onshore.
New York Times Magazine cover Hvaldimir
A couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of facilitating the introduction between two longtime friends of Barba: the Beluga whale Hvaldimir and nature & entertainment photographer Conor McDonnell.
Photo By Nordic Innovation - Nils Arne Haagensen
The Arctic Sense 360 educational project has been selected with twelve other projects as a green «best-pactice» project, in a pool of 130 projects supported with the green theme 2021-2022. The selecti

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