My initial dream was to fly down from the Beerenberg. As the Barba spirit is not about being foolish, I had to abandon the plan. Better to walk up and down on the mountain, then to end the flight in a glacier crevasse or the sea. (Of course I greatly regretted this decision standing at the summit 2277 meters)
The last day at the Island it was time to risk breaking a leg, as I was done with the walking anyways. It was not my most impressive flight. However, it could be a history first paraglider flight on the isloated island of “Yan Mayen”. First or not, who cares, it was enjoyable.
Now that I know my way to Jan Mayen, and Beerenberg I plan to fly down the next time I sail by. If anyone out there shares the same dream, let me know, and transport can be arranged 🙂