Trondheim update

The crew of Barba is setting off on the next leg north which wall take us to the Lofoten Islands!

Since arriving in port on Saturday in Trondheim, we have spent most of our time in the harbor cleaning and reorganizing the boat.

We did find time to enjoy the nightlife of Trondheim, of course. And since partytime finishes up quite early here in Norway, we just brought the nightlife back to Barba. Actually, there is a big difference in the nightlife up here in the north compared to other more southern party places in the world. Since it stays bright all night long here you lose your sense of time a bit, and a nighttime party ends up feeling more like an afterwork happy hour that goes on and on… 

Dinner Barba

From the left, Andreas, Jon, Terry and Ivan. Confit de Canard, from France was the welcome meal for our Russian crew-member, Ivan.  

Yesterday our new crew member Ivan, from Russia, arrived. We welcomed him with a French meal – confit de canard that a friend of Andreas´ had given him before we left Stavanger. We sat around chatting and listening to Ivan´s exciting stories about polar bear run-ins he had on Novaya Zemlya last year. 

This morning we were very happy to take delivery of the new sails for Barba, which we spent the morning rigging.

Tonight we will settle back into the rhythm of 24-hour sailing and the watch shifts that go along with it. Every crew member is on for two hours while the others are sleeping, eating, playing on their various mobile devices or planning our upcoming activities. 


Trondheim by Night

Trondheim at 2am. 

Trondheim (4 of 4)

Fitting new battens for the main sail with assistance from Maritimt Kompani Trondheim. 

Pictures by Daniel Hug.

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