The long way home

After a few dives in the Faroe Islands we set sail towards Bergen tonight. Due to the bad weather in Iceland we won’t have time to stop in the Shetland Islands. No hard feelings though, as Shetland is close by and easily attainable for later trips. As my favorite place to be with a sail boat, the Faroes has not disappointed us this year either. In two days we have seen orcas and pilot whales, explored the caves of Hestur and witnessed the extraordinary beauty of the archipelago.

In port we had the pleasure of meeting fellow sailors from Norway who have been out on the seas since before we were born. When speaking to the captain Wollert one of the crewmembers emerged. To our big surprise it was one of the most legendary Norwegian sailors of all times, Ragnar Thorseth, famous for amongst others sailing around the world with a replica Viking ship. The afterparty in the neighbour boat with Ragnar, Wollert and a distinguished crew with stories from legendary sailing trips and songs from old times shall never be forgotten.

We expect to reach Bergen on Saturday or Sunday, depending on the winds. The adventure is approaching its end for now, it will be a long and wistful trip back to the everyday life. This being said, we look very much forward to seeing our friends and family again soon.


Picture above, a humble crew meeting with Ragnar Thorseth, the man who had met two American presidents, Fidel Castro, Queen Elizabeth to mention a few celebrities..

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14 years ago

Det er ikke mange år til folk skriver blogg om når de møtte den legendariske seileren Andreas. Hva med å seile rundt jorden i en oselver? For meg, er denne turen mer enn nok å skryte av!

Blir kjekt å se dere igjen snart.

14 years ago

Oioioi. Dette er stas. Lykke tilm gleder meg til å se dere også.

Nils Petter
14 years ago

Ser frem til høre alle de gode historiene Andreas, – de som dere ikke tør legge ut på bloggen. Håper dere får en verdig og velfortjent velkomst i Bergen.

14 years ago

Veldig hyggelig å møte dere på Færøyene. Flotte filmer dere har tatt. Lykke til med Sør-Amerika turen :). Vi fikk fire fantastiske medvinds dager fra Færøyene, med en kuling avslutning og surfer opp til 14,5 knop. Ellers støtter jeg forslaget om Jorden rundt i en Oselvar, (for å sannsynliggjøre at Osingene var de som befolket verden, det hadde vært i Torseth or Heyerdals ånd :))
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