The Easter sail – a photographic resumé

Barba and the crew returned safely to Stavanger on Easter Sunday. The trip had been a passionate reunion with mother nature for Barba, following a dormant winter with inshore sailing. The “expedition light” we were due for started off with choppy seas and a diesel spill. As one describingly said it afterwords “I was afraid not to wake up again”, referring to diesel fumes that at some point was a bit over the usual comfort level.

Equipment failure is an inevitable part of sailing, and the diesel leakage, was repaired as soon as we made it to Utvær. Sailing into Utvær in battering seas was one of many highlights from our venture to the North. Especially so since we had the pleasure of meeting the old gentleman who had grown up at this place telling us stories from a Norway so very different from what we experience today. There was no time to play when he was a child, as soon as he was old enough he had been sent out to sea fishing. 60 years later this upbringing would have been met with imprisonment. Back then it was a simple necessity.

The rather flat island of Utvær was followed by the towering island of Alden. It also goes under the name of “The Norwegian Horse” (with a good portion of goodwill, it does look like a horse from afar). At Alden we hiked, dived for scallops and waited for a gale and snow-blizzard to pass. We pushed onwards to the island of Kinn a few days later.

The notorious cliffs  of Stadt were visible on the horizon, but with new crew arriving in Florø we headed south again. On the way we wreck dived a Ferndale, spent a night at the coastal town of Fedje and spent a night out in Bergen. When we sailed from Bergen, Ida bicycled back to Stavanger (crazy Swede). The loss was however manageable as we had Shanghaied Glenn and Håvard who both were well known from previous adventures with Barba.

Glenn and Håvard staid with us to yet another fishing village in the outskirts of mainland Norway, Røvær. Barba set out in a gale, but returned to Stavanger in sunshine on a dead calm sea.


Martin, Andreas and Nikolai ready to set sail.

Martin, Andreas and Nikolai ready to sail North.

The eternal battle, waves vs. cliffs, at Utvær.

The day of our arrival at Utvær.

In port at Utvær

Utvær! The waves batteling on the horizon.

The old man and the Sea, Utvær.


Andreas fixing the diesel spill.

The dark side of sailing, continuously fixing stuff!


Martin going for a swim, at Utvær.

Martin done with the swim of the day

Alden - The Norwegian Horse

Barba approaching Alden.


Alden, ready to explore.

At the summit of Alden

At the summit of Alden.

Ida behind the wheel

Ida, our very own Swedish migration worker.

Wreck diving at Ferndale

Andreas and Nikolai, ready to go wreckdiving in the Krakhelle Sound.

Mojo, Andreas and Nikolai above the WW2 wreck “Ferndale”.

A quiet evening in port.

Rest and recovery in port.

Barba at "Fedje".

At the island of Fedje.

Robinson doing a pendulum from the mast.

Robinson getting a propoer Barba introduction.

Barba keyside in Bergen

Downtown Bergen.

Håvard signed on in Bergen.

The dawn after a night out in Bergen.

Moonrise at Røvær

Moonrise at Røvær.

Our very own French baker, Robinson Leloup

Robinson, the French baker!

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