Arctic Sense – the end and the beginning

October 5, 2021 Barba returned to her homeport of Stavanger which she left June 1st 4 months earlier. The total travelled distance was 6000 nautical miles / 10 000 km, equivalent to a quarter of the globes circumference.


First of all, it was a collective effort, enabled not only by the crew, but also by a dedicated onshore team as well as multiple partners and sponsors.  Overall, the mission has been an overwhelming success, and this in a time of pandemic that complicated the matters even further, says Andreas B. Heide mission director and captain of the Barba.


Although the expeditions is completed, the communication will continue with full force in the time to come. Numerous feature stories will follow, talk, school presentation as well as the making of two documentaries.


Click here to see the expedition summary page.

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